Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Astrology Lesson 1


What are houses?

Houses are a division of the zodiac. There are 12 houses corresponding to the 12 division of the zodiac.
The houses are determined by the cardinal points of Earth orientation towards the heavens at the time of birth.The point of the zodiac at the eastern horizon at birth becomes the First House. The point of the Zodiac directly overhead is the Tenth house. The rest are determined mathematically based on these points. Its as though the First house is at the sunrise of our life and the Tenth at the noon of our life.
The first house is also called the Ascendant.

The influence of the heavens in our life is based on the planets occupying our houses at a given point of time. Each house is an influence that impacts us.

Description of the houses.

1.The First House :

It reflects our basic self expression in life and material world. It reflects our personality and how we project ourselves to the outside world. It also indicates our physical vitality. The first house is the most important factor in our chart and its strength and weakness can over ride anything else.

2. The Second House :

It is the house of livelihood. It relates to our earning capacity.

3. The Third House :

It is the house of brothers, friends and companions.It shows how me make alliances to meet goals.

4. The Fourth House
The fourth House is the house and hapiness. It shows our house and environment both inwardly and outwardly. it relates to the mother andthe domestic situation.

5. The Fifth House
The fifth house represents children - our capacity to have children and shows the kind of relationship we will have with them.

6. The Sixth house

The sixth house is the house of disease and enemy.

7. The seventh house

This is the house of the partner - the wife in a man's chart and vice versa.

8. The eight house

The eight house is the house of death and indicates our span of life.

9. The ninth house

The ninth house is the house of dharma. It shows our prime values, principles and ideals in life.

10. The Tenth house

It is the house of Karma or action. It is mostly related to career or vocation.

11. The Eleventh House

It is the house of gains. It indiates wealth and income.

12. The Twelfth house

The Twelfth house is the house of loss or expense just like the eleventh is of gain.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

ON Sound

Resonance is the natural vibration of any object.

Every organ, bone and tissue have its own separate frequency of resonance. Together they form a composite frequency, a harmonic that makes a personal frequency.

Through resonance it is possible for the vibrations of one vibrating body to reach out and set another body in motion.

Different rhythms of the body can be changed through sound. Different brain waves have been equated to different states of consciousness. There are four basic categories of brainwaves based upon cycles per second (or hertz).

(a) Beta : from 14 to 20 hz – in normal waking consciousness.
(b) Alpha – from 8 to 13 hz – day dream
(c) Theta- from 4 to 7 – deep meditation or sleep
(d) Delta – from 0.5 to 3 profound meditation or sleep.

Sound is a carrier wave of consciousness. So our role would be to align ourselves with the higher selves so that the divine will can be passed on on lesser selves to bring in the balance.
Human hearing range is between 16 and 25,000 hz. Sounds above are called Ultrasonic and sounds below are called Extremely low frequencies. The slower a sound vibrates, the lower we perceive it. The lowest note in a piano vibrates with 27.5 hz.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hermes Trismegistus - Seven Principles

1. Principle of Mentalism : All is Mind
2. Principle of Correspondence : As Above, So below
3. Principle of Vibration : All is in vibration
4.Principle of Polarity : Everything is Dual.
5.Principle of Rythm : Everything flows
6.Principle of Cause and Effect : Everything happens according to Law
7. Principle of Gender : Everthing has its Masculine and Feminine Principles.